Forum Message

Topic: Re:Re:What's next?
Posted by: Vanessa Smith
Date/Time: 20/06/15 13:24:00

Read with horror that Carville Halle Park in Brentford is also being eyed up as again the council are saying it is 'underused'. I'd like to know what methodology these muppets use that leads them to these conclusions, I can only hope they don't let that idiot Sarah Ruane loose on this as well, the woman is like a clockwork toy and will do the bidding of her masters. What qualifies as 'underused' I wonder?   

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Brent Lea give away16/06/15 22:23:00 Joanna Russell
   Re:Brent Lea give away16/06/15 23:48:00 Phil Andrews
   Re:Brent Lea give away17/06/15 07:08:00 Alex Shpinkov
      Re:Re:Brent Lea give away17/06/15 08:37:00 Marie Richardson
         Re:Re:Re:Brent Lea give away17/06/15 08:46:00 Tim Henderson
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Brent Lea give away17/06/15 09:11:00 Joanna Russell
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Brent Lea give away17/06/15 09:25:00 Vanessa Smith
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Brent Lea give away17/06/15 09:37:00 Joanna Russell
   Re:Brent Lea give away17/06/15 10:30:00 Marie Richardson
      Re:Re Who am I?17/06/15 11:22:00 Vanessa Smith
   Re:Brent Lea give away19/06/15 13:05:00 Ian Speed
      Re:Re:What's next?20/06/15 13:24:00 Vanessa Smith
         Re:Re:Re:What's next?20/06/15 14:19:00 Phil Andrews
            Re:Re:Re:Re:What's next?20/06/15 16:55:00 Vanessa Smith
         Re:What's next?20/06/15 18:18:00 Barbara Lawrence
            Re:Re:What's next?20/06/15 19:22:00 Vanessa Smith
               Re:Re:Re:What's next?20/06/15 19:26:00 Phil Andrews
            Re:Re:What's next?20/06/15 19:28:00 Tim Henderson
               Re:Re:Re: Double standards for Chiswick21/06/15 12:33:00 Vanessa Smith
                  Re:Re:Re:Re: Double standards for Chiswick21/06/15 17:02:00 Phil Andrews
                     Tennis Dome22/06/15 07:52:00 John Todd
                        Re:Tennis Dome22/06/15 09:14:00 Vanessa Smith
   Re:Brent Lea give away22/06/15 08:46:00 Tim Henderson
      Re:Re:Brent Lea give away22/06/15 09:10:00 Vanessa Smith
         Re:Re:Re:Brent Lea give away22/06/15 15:07:00 Phil Andrews
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Brent Lea give away23/06/15 04:38:00 Neil Chippendale

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