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Topic: Footpath closed opposite Beehive pub
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Posted by: Sam Thomas
Date/Time: 11/02/15 20:51:00

Has anyone noticed temporary works have been erected (11/2/15) on Brentford High Rd at the junction of Half Acre intersection. The footpath leading to the pedestrian crossing by Wilson and Kyle has been blocked by hoardings which state the building behind is due for demolition. The site is directly opposite the Beehive Pub.
Members of the public have no safe access around the temporary works without entering into the road. There is no suitable diversion or signage indicating footpath closure.
This is a major safety issue for all footpath and road users
I've contacted LBH but urge others to also.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Footpath closed opposite Beehive pub11/02/15 20:51:00 Sam Thomas
   Re:Footpath closed opposite Beehive pub11/02/15 22:08:00 Phil Andrews
   Re:Footpath closed opposite Beehive pub12/02/15 13:13:00 Guy Lambert
   Re:Footpath closed opposite Beehive pub12/02/15 21:12:00 Sam Thomas
      Re:Re:Footpath closed opposite Beehive pub13/02/15 23:50:00 Guy Lambert

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