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Topic: V1 or V2 bomb in Lateward road
Posted by: Raymond Havelock
Date/Time: 03/09/14 10:41:00

Does anyone know of the WW2 bombs that landed on Lateward road and Brook road?

According to the latest references, the only two high explosive bombs landed in Mafeking avenue and Breamar road/Griffin Park.

But I recall at school a photograph being shown of the devastation caused by a V-Bomb landing on Lateward road/Brook road.

All the evidence seems to exist, the flats were built in 1962 on the bombsite and 2 houses are currently being built on the rest of the bombsite and the rears of houses in Grosvenor road show evidence of shrapnel repairs.

But no record seems to exist at the library or online. Was it a V1 or a V2.

All that seems to exist is the archive of the V2 that fell on Staveley Road in Chiswick .

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
V1 or V2 bomb in Lateward road03/09/14 10:41:00 Raymond Havelock
   Re:V1 or V2 bomb in Lateward road03/09/14 12:09:00 Reg Ghosh
      Re:Re:V1 or V2 bomb in Lateward road03/09/14 13:08:00 Anne England
         Re:Re:Re:V1 or V2 bomb in Lateward road (The Brook)04/09/14 00:34:00 Jim Lawes
         Re:Re:Re:V1 or V2 bomb in Lateward road04/09/14 11:31:00 Robert Ayres
      Re:Re:V1 or V2 bomb in Lateward road03/09/14 13:11:00 Raymond Havelock
   Re:V1 or V2 bomb in Lateward road03/09/14 14:04:00 Jim Linwood
      Re:Re:V1 or V2 bomb in Lateward road03/09/14 16:07:00 Paul Allen
         Re:Re:Re:V1 or V2 bomb in Lateward road04/09/14 00:05:00 Neil Chippendale
            Re:Re:Re:Re:V1 or V2 bomb in Lateward road04/09/14 00:20:00 Jim Lawes
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:V1 or V2 bomb in Lateward road04/09/14 16:13:00 Anthony Waller
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:V1 or V2 bomb in Lateward road04/09/14 23:45:00 Jim Lawes

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