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Topic: Re:Re:News on CPZ on Ealing Rd
Posted by: Anthony Waller
Date/Time: 04/08/14 20:26:00

I'm not sure it's gone very quiet but I understand a rethink and a more moderate approach has been accepted but the streets that opted out will now opt in as long as the scheme is not too draconian.

The focus is now aimed at finding an optimum that will allow most permit paying  residents the best chance to park in the evening whilst keeping all day commuters and holiday car dumpers from parking all day and all night.

Our street has over 15 non resident cars some of which have been here since mid July. This is something that even a 1 hour scheme will get rid of.

But I am hopeful that we will end up with a scheme that will be a fair deal for all residents whether they have a car or not.

I have to applaud those who have spent so much time researching and presenting some better options than the ludicrous 6 day all day scheme which will have no benefit to most residents in the zone who use cars, will pay for permits and come home after 5.30 to finds the place full up by non permit holders.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
News on CPZ on Ealing Rd27/07/14 05:31:00 Rakesh Patel
   Re:News on CPZ on Ealing Rd04/08/14 18:20:00 Reg Ghosh
      Re:Re:News on CPZ on Ealing Rd04/08/14 20:26:00 Anthony Waller
         Re:Re:Re:News on CPZ on Ealing Rd06/08/14 14:36:00 Reg Ghosh
            Re:Re:Re:Re:News on CPZ on Ealing Rd06/08/14 14:40:00 Margaret Wittich
   Re:News on CPZ on Ealing Rd06/08/14 15:20:00 Caroline Hawkins
      Re:Re:News on CPZ on Ealing Rd06/08/14 23:55:00 Anthony Waller
         Re:Re:Re:News on CPZ on Ealing Rd01/09/14 13:16:00 Reg Ghosh
   Re:News on CPZ on Ealing Rd01/09/14 22:01:00 Mary A O'Hanlon

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