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Topic: Maison de passe in Brentford?
Posted by: Carol Mackay
Date/Time: 02/10/13 14:39:00

My son informs me that opposite where he lives there is a brothel operating? Is there any truth to this rumour?

I'd rather not say exactly where he lives but it is up in the motorway area. If this is true are the police doing anything about this?

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
Maison de passe in Brentford?02/10/13 14:39:00 Carol Mackay
   Re:Maison de passe in Brentford?02/10/13 15:39:00 Kath Richardson
      Re:Re:Maison de passe in Brentford?03/10/13 14:59:00 Peter Hughes

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