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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Gunnersbury Park - What if.....
Posted by: Bela Cunha
Date/Time: 26/04/13 15:33:00

There is indeed, as you say, commercial activity in the Park, for instance the cafe. The crucial point is that such activity is 'ancillary to the use of the land as a public park or sports ground' (as prescribed in the covenant) for the use of the public in the Park and not for the private profit of some outside entity.
Any request for a variation/modification to the covenant has got to be considered by the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber). Residents can put their case to the tribunal, without need of a barrister, and are not liable for costs whether they win or lose.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Gunnersbury Park - What if.....23/04/13 12:52:00 Alistair Milward
   Re:Gunnersbury Park - What if.....24/04/13 12:04:00 Anthony Waller
      Re:Re:Gunnersbury Park - What if.....24/04/13 12:25:00 Alistair Milward
   Re:Gunnersbury Park - What if.....24/04/13 12:12:00 Michael Brandt
      Re:Re:Gunnersbury Park - What if.....24/04/13 12:42:00 Alistair Milward
   Re:Gunnersbury Park - What if.....26/04/13 13:32:00 Bela Cunha
      Re:Re:Gunnersbury Park - What if.....26/04/13 14:33:00 Alistair Milward
         Re:Re:Re:Gunnersbury Park - What if.....26/04/13 15:28:00 Hazel Dakers
         Re:Re:Re:Gunnersbury Park - What if.....26/04/13 15:33:00 Bela Cunha
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Gunnersbury Park - What if.....26/04/13 17:04:00 Kath Richardson
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Gunnersbury Park - What if.....26/04/13 19:05:00 Michael Brandt
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Gunnersbury Park - What if.....26/04/13 19:57:00 Hazel Dakers
                     Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Gunnersbury Park - What if.....26/04/13 21:22:00 Michael Brandt
                        Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Gunnersbury Park - What if.....04/05/13 12:07:00 John Colwell

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