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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hamilton Road CPZ unenforceable?
Posted by: Jennifer Selig
Date/Time: 10/04/13 19:19:00

How indeed.   Labour Isleworth Councillor, Ed Mayne, is the Lead Cllr in the LBH Cabinet responsible for amongst other things, Parking.   He is trying this road by road "stealth" CPZ in Chiswick despite 93% of the residents voting against it, and overruling the unanimous decision of all 9 local Chiswick Councillors.   We are still fighting to try and persuade him to change his mind.   It is also a fact that his action is in direct opposition to the Council's own stated policy on CPZs and against their statements on "Localism" and listening to the wishes of local people.  So good luck to you all in your efforts.  I really wonder if it is time Brentford and Chiswick were re-joined and independent of Hounslow!

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Hamilton Road CPZ unenforceable?08/04/13 19:18:00 Claire Peleschka
   Re:Hamilton Road CPZ unenforceable?09/04/13 08:05:00 Reg Ghosh
      Re:Re:Hamilton Road CPZ unenforceable?09/04/13 09:25:00 Michael Brandt
         Re:Re:Re:Hamilton Road CPZ unenforceable?09/04/13 10:36:00 Phil Andrews
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Hamilton Road CPZ unenforceable?09/04/13 11:42:00 Raymond Havelock
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Hamilton Road CPZ unenforceable?10/04/13 19:19:00 Jennifer Selig

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