Forum Message

Topic: Re:Aircraft early this morning
Posted by: Richard Collard
Date/Time: 06/04/12 17:36:00

To add to previous answers, the Webtrak facility provides the ability to report LHR flights for noise, inappropriate runway usage etc....
It is an important tool for ensuring that complaints are recorded. The responses generated from BAA are typically lame and tend to insult one's intelligence but it is still important to log abuse of agreed ATC convention.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Aircraft early this morning 04/04/12 18:04:00 Keith Iddon
   Re:Aircraft early this morning 04/04/12 19:05:00 Dave Robertson
      Re:Re:Aircraft early this morning 04/04/12 19:44:00 Tim Henderson
         Re:Re:Re:Aircraft early this morning 04/04/12 21:25:00 Dave Robertson
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Aircraft early this morning 04/04/12 21:55:00 Tim Henderson
   Re:Aircraft early this morning 05/04/12 17:35:00 Richard Jennings
      Re:Re:Aircraft early this morning 05/04/12 19:35:00 Keith Iddon
   Re:Aircraft early this morning 06/04/12 16:07:00 Jonathan Portch
   Re:Aircraft early this morning 06/04/12 17:36:00 Richard Collard
   Nasty neighbours06/04/12 18:10:00 Sarah Felstead
   Re:Aircraft early this morning 06/04/12 18:56:00 Margaret Wittich
      Re:Re:Aircraft early this morning 06/04/12 19:16:00 Keith Iddon
         Re:Re:Re:Aircraft early this morning 06/04/12 20:19:00 Jim Lawes
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Aircraft early this morning 06/04/12 20:55:00 Steve Taylor

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