Forum Message

Topic: Re:Parking Fine (PCN)
Posted by: A Healy
Date/Time: 16/09/11 16:15:00

I have had great success by seeking free advice from those to be found at the link below.  They have quite an amazing array of legal loop-holes to help avoid paying for parking fines...

best of luck (if not too late)

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Parking Fine (PCN) 26/08/11 09:52:00 John Coulthard
   Re:Parking Fine (PCN) 16/09/11 16:15:00 A Healy
   Re:Parking Fine (PCN) 16/09/11 19:57:00 Keith Iddon
      Re:Re:Parking Fine (PCN) 19/09/11 18:25:00 Ian Speed

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