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Topic: LBH Budget Consultation 2011
Posted by: G C Brown
Date/Time: 05/01/11 10:56:00

So Where's the extra £5,054.1k saving coming from?

Maybe I'm being exceptionally thick but....

The document posted through my door today says that the council needs to save £18million from their budget for next year.

We're then invited to "participate" by ticking one of five boxes from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree on a series of proposed savings.

The total saving for each point is shown and under each section these are totalled for the various areas of service provision

Totalled these savings come to £12,945.9k

A shortfall of £5,054.1K from the necessary £18 saving???

What then is the point of the survey?  If ALL of these proposals don't meet the target?

IF there are already significant changes that are not up for debate what are they and what do they total?

All I received is a booklet questionaire and a return envelope.  Did I miss something?  Should I have received more documentation?

....or can the council just not add up ;-)


Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
LBH Budget Consultation 201105/01/11 10:56:00 G C Brown
   LBH Budget Consultation 201107/01/11 07:50:00 John Todd
      Re:LBH Budget Consultation 201107/01/11 09:01:00 G C Brown
         Re:Re:LBH Budget Consultation 201107/01/11 10:41:00 Vanessa Smith
            Re:Re:Re:LBH Budget Consultation 201107/01/11 12:10:00 G C Brown
         :LBH Budget Consultation 201107/01/11 12:04:00 John Todd
            Re::LBH Budget Consultation 201107/01/11 16:14:00 G C Brown

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