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Topic: 300 Brentfordians at the find-raising bash last night!
Posted by: Jim Lawes
Date/Time: 26/11/10 13:55:00

Congratulations to Julia Quilliam and her team of organisers for a fabulous 'do' at the Holiday Inn, Brentford Lock last night.

For starters,it was mind blowing to see such a vast crowd..all formally dressed..seated around a sea of dining tables as far as the eye could see..tables laden with impressive flower displays..and fine dining china and cutlery.

For mains..the beautifully produced Gala Dinner brochure listed an impressive list of should read it sometime. I was gobsmacked at the wide range of supporters and their generosity.

That team of organisers really have done an amazing job in this Brentford town. Brentford is now not like stagnant porridge that doesn't want to be stirred..but remain last night proved.

Desert followed..grooving on the dance floor. Very well done all. Were you there? Great wasn't it. Brentford is brilliant. Thanks Julia,Jan,Suzie and all.

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
300 Brentfordians at the find-raising bash last night!26/11/10 13:55:00 Jim Lawes
   Re:300 Brentfordians at the find-raising bash last night!26/11/10 15:13:00 Jim Lawes
      Re:Re:300 Brentfordians at the find-raising bash last night!28/11/10 10:39:00 Julia Quilliam
      Re:Re:300 Brentfordians at the find-raising bash last night!28/11/10 10:40:00 Julia Quilliam
         Re:Re:Re:300 Brentfordians at the find-raising bash last night!03/12/10 11:27:00 Philip Walsh

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