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Topic: Re:Re:Re:Re:Its called Prison Rule 43 Ali - get used to it.
Posted by: Harley Buckner
Date/Time: 09/02/10 21:39:00

Thank you for your comments which are typical of a soft, left leaning liberal delighting in selling his country down the river to the lowest bidder at the same time wetting himself at the prospect of outing a racist.

Well, no such luck here as I believe passionately that all men are born equal (what a disappointment for you).

You earlier referred to my physical imperfections and I asked you to tell me yours – which of course you avoided, however your reply did expose the fact that you have, shall we say one or two small problems in the top storey – for which you have my sympathy.

So as to avoid boring the rest of the readership I suggest you email me directly if you wish to continue or escalate the insult throwing.

PS. Talking of insults: I am to the right of Atilla the Hun?? That’s not an insult …He was a soft left leaning liberal too – that Vlad the Impaller was my kind of geezer.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Its called Prison Rule 43 Ali - get used to it.08/02/10 15:57:00 Harley Buckner
   Re:Its called Prison Rule 43 Ali - get used to it.08/02/10 16:29:00 Robert Ayres
      Re:Re:Its called Prison Rule 43 Ali - get used to it.12/02/10 20:56:00 Ian Silver
   Re:Its called Prison Rule 43 Ali - get used to it.08/02/10 16:49:00 Robin Taylor
      Re:Re:Its called Prison Rule 43 Ali - get used to it.08/02/10 18:24:00 Robert Ayres
      Re:Re:Its called Prison Rule 43 Ali - get used to it.08/02/10 18:38:00 Vanessa Smith
         Re:Re:Re:Its called Prison Rule 43 Ali - get used to it.08/02/10 19:13:00 Mick Brent
      Re:Re:Its called Prison Rule 43 Ali - get used to it.08/02/10 21:05:00 Harley Buckner
         Re:Re:Re:Its called Prison Rule 43 Ali - get used to it.08/02/10 22:19:00 Robin Taylor
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Its called Prison Rule 43 Ali - get used to it.09/02/10 14:59:00 Philip Walsh
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Its called Prison Rule 43 Ali - get used to it.09/02/10 15:04:00 Philip Walsh
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Its called Prison Rule 43 Ali - get used to it.09/02/10 16:49:00 Jim Linwood
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Its called Prison Rule 43 Ali - get used to it.09/02/10 17:14:00 Robert Ayres
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Its called Prison Rule 43 Ali - get used to it.09/02/10 21:39:00 Harley Buckner
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Its called Prison Rule 43 Ali - get used to it.12/02/10 20:57:00 Ian Silver
            Robin can't even spell Dizaei ...09/02/10 22:29:00 Ian Speed
               Re:Robin can't even spell Dizaei ...15/02/10 18:50:00 Vanessa Smith
                  Re:Re:Robin can't even spell Dizaei ...15/02/10 20:26:00 Steve Taylor

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