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Topic: Re:Syon Park Peasants Revolt
Posted by: Michael Adams
Date/Time: 06/05/22 08:29:00

The allotment holders are offering to buy the site for £30,000 its
agricutural value, when Dooky knows he could make that
much profit on just one flat, if he ever got planning position.

He's currently appealing (well to his wife anyway)

These toffs didn't get where thay are by agreeing to deals like that.

He's got plenty of old master painings and ming vases
that would easily make ten times that, if push came to shove

michael adams

full story:


Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Syon Park Peasants Revolt05/05/22 19:58:00 Philippa Bond
   Re:Syon Park Peasants Revolt06/05/22 08:29:00 Michael Adams
      Re:Re:Syon Park Peasants Revolt06/05/22 17:53:00 Steve Taylor
         Re:Re:Re:Syon Park Peasants Revolt06/05/22 20:08:00 Michael Adams
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Syon Park Peasants Revolt06/05/22 23:21:00 Anne England
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Syon Park Peasants Revolt07/05/22 06:51:00 Michael Adams
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Syon Park Peasants Revolt07/05/22 08:35:00 Raymond Havelock
                  Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Syon Park Peasants Revolt07/05/22 08:45:00 Vanessa Smith

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