Forum Message

Topic: Re:Re:Re:Free books
Posted by: Neal Rollason
Date/Time: 23/01/21 18:28:00

Keith Idden. I will sort the books as at the moment I have 9 bags of books and need to remove the non-chicklit unless you are happy to sort through and your wife keeps the ones she wants and you donate the remainder to the book banks mentioned. Monday to Thursday pm is the best time to collect if ok with you. Otherwise next Saturday pm.
Unfortunately, for reasons I’d rather not post, I can neither lift the bags or distribute elsewhere which is why I am giving them away.
There will be a mixture of my books being put on the forum once these have gone so I can make space.
It is a Covid-free, isolated, non-smoking household.

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Free books21/01/21 14:10:00 Neal Rollason
   Re:Free books22/01/21 18:31:00 Roger Vipond
   Re:Free books22/01/21 19:01:00 Keith Iddon
   Re:Free books22/01/21 21:46:00 Bryan Betts
      Re:Re:Free books23/01/21 12:15:00 Keith Iddon
         Re:Re:Re:Free books23/01/21 18:28:00 Neal Rollason
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Free books23/01/21 23:28:00 Keith Iddon
         Re:Re:Re:Free books29/01/21 17:29:00 Bryan Betts
            Re:Re:Re:Re:Free books03/02/21 09:06:00 David Squire
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Free books05/02/21 22:25:00 Roger Vipond

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