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Topic: Re:Re:Holly House Farm in Syon Lane
Posted by: Sarah Felstead
Date/Time: 27/03/19 01:20:00

Local history section of Hounslow Lobrary might help.  British Pathe news reels has some footage of ‘School For Mental Defectives 1957’ with footage very near the end that could be thecarea you ask after?  Initial search put in Isleworth and you get an interesting list of films to watch from the news reels.  Anyone know where the school was?

Entire Thread
TopicDate PostedPosted By
Holly House Farm in Syon Lane22/03/19 17:54:00 Jean Harrison
   Re:Holly House Farm in Syon Lane23/03/19 11:56:00 Tim Henderson
   Re:Holly House Farm in Syon Lane23/03/19 14:50:00 Jean Harrison
      Re:Re:Holly House Farm in Syon Lane27/03/19 01:20:00 Sarah Felstead

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