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Topic: Re:Re:French Appeal to find Flt Eng Sgt Alfred David Hawkins' family
Posted by: Philippa Bond
Date/Time: 25/08/18 12:07:00

"HAWKINS,Bennett Wright where names of canal boat familys working out from Brentford during the war. the old war monument from ST Lawrence that was moved to the library several years ago has the names of some Boatmen on it as this was the church used by the canal boatmen. Brentford,Hanwell ,Watford, Aylesbury where all stops along the route for the boatmen. Intrested to know if their is a canal connection along the line .JUST A THOUGHT"  Jeanette's post from higher up.

This is what got me looking at the canal but without good enough knowledge about it and the areas and businesses along it I don't know how to make the connections.  I wondered if he had uncles and aunts in the Brentford area.

I now think that his wife was a CLEMENTS rather than a Bennett but the other name of the visitors to the grave was PAUL STRONG and there was a Paul Strong born in Brentford registration district.

The WW1/WW2 monument outside Pitshanger Manor has been removed/covered because or building works for quite a while so I haven't been able to check whether his name is on it.

His parents appear to have both died in the 1970s in the Watford/St Albans area so don't appear to have moved. Sister possibly married a SEARLE. 

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TopicDate PostedPosted By
French Appeal to find Flt Eng Sgt Alfred David Hawkins' family14/07/18 23:46:00 Philippa Bond
   Re:French Appeal to find Flt Eng Sgt Alfred David Hawkins' family17/07/18 18:02:00 Philippa Bond
      Re:Re:French Appeal to find Flt Eng Sgt Alfred David Hawkins' family25/07/18 06:49:00 Nicholas Beard
         Re:Re:Re:French Appeal to find Flt Eng Sgt Alfred David Hawkins' family30/07/18 19:16:00 Philippa Bond
            Re:Re:Re:Re:French Appeal to find Flt Eng Sgt Alfred David Hawkins' family30/07/18 19:29:00 Nicholas Beard
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:French Appeal to find Flt Eng Sgt Alfred David Hawkins' family07/08/18 18:51:00 Philippa Bond
      Re:Re:French Appeal to find Flt Eng Sgt Alfred David Hawkins' family16/08/18 20:17:00 Jeannette Smith
   Re:French Appeal to find Flt Eng Sgt Alfred David Hawkins' family24/07/18 12:24:00 Philippa Bond
      Re:Re:French Appeal to find Flt Eng Sgt Alfred David Hawkins' family24/07/18 23:33:00 Philippa Bond
         Re:Re:Re:French Appeal to find Flt Eng Sgt Alfred David Hawkins' family01/08/18 13:09:00 Philippa Bond
            Re:Re:Re:Re:French Appeal to find Flt Eng Sgt Alfred David Hawkins' family11/08/18 09:35:00 Philippa Bond
               Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:French Appeal to find Flt Eng Sgt Alfred David Hawkins' family13/08/18 23:20:00 Philippa Bond
   Re:French Appeal to find Flt Eng Sgt Alfred David Hawkins' family16/08/18 20:25:00 Jeannette Smith
      Re:Re:French Appeal to find Flt Eng Sgt Alfred David Hawkins' family25/08/18 12:07:00 Philippa Bond

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